For a packaging design class, we were given the task to work with a partner to create the visual identity and packaging for an item that would be sustainable but also interact with the product when using it. Pressa came about as a bubbly brand of toothpaste that is tailored to teens and adults who want brushing their teeth to be an experience.
3D Digital Mockup

Physical Prototype

When customers buy Pressa, they are presented with a box, just like any other brand of toothpaste. However, the magic happens when they read the instructions on the packaging, which guides them on how to break the box apart into its three components: A toothpaste holder, a toothbrush holder, and an insert that serves as a roller, helping press every ounce of toothpaste out.

As a concept, one difficulty was being able to translate our idea into a physical item, given that we were using cardboard to mock up the prototype. Nevertheless, we overcame this obstacle by keeping our focus on function and not on how successful it would be in carboard. One way this project could be explored further would be to take the prototype and make it out of different materials; sturdier media for the holders and a firm material for the insert so it holds pressure when pressing toothpaste out of the tube.